I love me some gender bender because it appeals to me wanting to be female physically. I get the feeling that there's projection of self into this. So now that I'm more hooked into talking about the story, let's talk about it.įrom my understanding, Sapphirefoxx is transfemale. Now on the other hand, if we talk about dick growth, you'll see that the dick growing is only a part of the story, but it doesn't become the staple, even though it's just a fetish, no different than gender bender is. Bonus if there's a 'after orgasm page', but generally nothing too interesting. Guy becomes girl, gets fucked and loves it (or hates it at first then loves it), and end story one page after getting cummed inside of. Sure, the STORY can be different but it all boils back down to that repeated core element. The genre is all 'I'm a girl now, please fuck me' or 'I'm a girl now don't rape me *raped* I LOVE DICKS/BEING A GIRL'. It's why I'm not really reading a lot of the gender bender stuff in general.
Sure, there might be a new 'story', but the game itself plays basically exactly the same. The same basic content that has a new skin and maybe additional content to pad it out. It's like Animal Crossing or Pokemon for me.
***********INCOMING Well it's hard to enjoy mostly the same base content over and over.